Archive for the ‘Create a Business!’ Category

How to Create, Manage, and Market your Online Business

So… you want to start your business. Sure, you can easily think of a company name, register your domain name, grab some hosting off a reputable hosting company and call it all that… but how much other information would you actually need to obtain to create this entity into the next fortune 500. During the course of 4 months, I will outline every aspect (hopefully) of creating, managing, and marketing your online business.

Here would be a brief overview of what to expect.

So you got this innovative idea…

lightbulbA business plan is your foundation of that great idea in your head. It identifies your goals, your financial statements, income statements, and the total definition of your business. While purging your ideas, consider these 4 things: what is my business providing for clients, who am I selling these products or services to, how will I get these products or services to my potential clients, and where will I get my financial resources to start my business. A great way to plan out your business is by mind mapping. A great tool that I use most often is FreeMind. This program will allow you to freely chart all your ideas and information down into one organized manner. Remember doing those fun “web’s” in elementary school? It’s just like that, but digital!

What’s this curvy swirly thing!? Oh, that’s my logo.

Creating a corporate identity can be a daunting task at hand. The establishment of a logo is dependant on what your company is, and what you’re wanting to sell. Wether you’re just a one man team, or a corporation under going a major identity crisis, you will want to create an identity that you (and your employees) will march behind it through the life of the company. In essence, this is the label of your company. This doesn’t mean it has to cost millions of dollars and years to create, but it’s important that it portraits your company correctly and effectively.

NEXT WEEK: Corporate Identity, Indepth. >>